Education, Certification, Networking Take Top Billing…
By Erin Reyes, IDA Communications Coordinator

MTE did a “fabulous” job of welcoming guests to Las Vegas. Photo Credit: Dave Jacobson.
Neon lights, networking, and shiny cars—those were the sights and sounds of the first-ever Mobile Tech Expo in Las Vegas. The International Detailing Association (IDA) took part in this exciting event, September 5-7, 2019, at the South Point Hotel & Casino.

Prentice St. Clair, CD-SV, RT, led two outstanding educational sessions at the Show. Photo Credit: Dave Jacobson.
First up was Education Day on Thursday, September 5. There were three presentations planned for IDA members: “The Science of Coatings” presented by Jim Lafeber, CD-SV, RT; “The Importance of Standard Operating Procedures” presented by Prentice St. Clair, CD-SV, RT; and “Secrets to Creating and Running the Most Successful Detail Business,” slated to be presented by IDA President Jonathan Munsell, CD.
However, as Hurricane Dorian was then hitting the East Coast, Munsell, who lives in North Carolina, which was affected by the storm, was unable to make the Show. Luckily, St. Clair is an expert in the topic of building a successful detailing business and was able to step in for Munsell with minimal notice. He gave two outstanding presentations to attendees, and Jim’s presentation was also well attended and well received.
The next morning kicked off with IDA Founder’s Club member Renny Doyle, CD-SV, RT, giving the show’s inaugural keynote address. As always, Renny’s session was motivational and educational.
The IDA also offered a complete IDA Certification Event—Phase I & II (CD-SV) at the Show. The Phase II (SV) hands-on exam portion of the event was completely full. Usually they say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, but for the participants who passed their exams at MTE, they were able to proudly bring their new titles of Certified Detailer and Certified Detailer-Skills Validated back to their businesses and shops.
With a smaller crowd than the Orlando Show, there was more time to engage one-on-one with the attendees. The IDA Exhibit Booth received a steady stream of traffic of those interested in learning more about the association. It was a good opportunity for IDA leaders and volunteers to connect with new detailers who might not have been able to make it to previous MTE shows on the East Coast.

IDA members got the chance to kick back and relax during the IDA Meet & Greet. Photo Credit: Dave Jacobson.
To capitalize on the opportunity to socialize with a whole new group of detailing professionals, St. Clair—former IDA tradeshow and education committee chair—also coordinated a Meet and Greet for attendees and detailers in the area. IDA members, friends, and colleagues gathered at the hotel’s Silverado Lounge for networking and relaxing after a busy day at the Show.
Overall, the event was an enjoyable experience in a new, exciting location. Although there were not as many detailing professionals or exhibitors in attendance as hoped, those who made it had a great time. The IDA looks forward to seeing how the show evolves in the years to come.
Next up: find the IDA in Las Vegas for the SEMA Show this November! There will be an IDA Meet and Greet on Tuesday, November 5, and an IDA Certification Event—Phase I (CD) on Wednesday, November 6. Visit the-ida.com for full event details.
Stay tuned to the-ida.com for information about Mobile Tech Expo 2020 in Orlando, coming soon!